Highly recommended
Kid stuff
This is very nice for learning English 👍👍
Very rich this app...I loved the design. Thanks!
Very nice
Très bonne application !
Для уровня а1-2 подойдёт, но некоторые слова в речи вовсе не употребляются. Заучивать просто слова не интересно. Имеются ошибки. Самая серьёзная ошибка "notebook" - межъязыковой омоним (ложный друг пеневодчика) в русском языке имеет значение "записная книга", "блокнот", а ноутбук - laptop (категория "технологии")
Duh, the app doesn't bring anything new to the table. You can find so many free to use sites that do the same thing. Don't get me wrong, the phonetic transcriptions are good, the app interface is pretty simple but really bare, and the vocabulary is pretty useful, but all that doesn't match what the app name says, as it's mainly aimed at people with very narrow vocab. That's what my impression is after using it for a couple of minutes. There is nothing challenging for advanced speakers.